Monday, February 8, 2010

Baby stepping to progress...

I am really enjoying having a written list of goals - I feel so responsible, so accountable! Almost, like a grown up! Although, i believe technically, I have a few more months before I reach official "grown up status!"
So while I have just one thing to officially cross off my list today I do want to update on my progress on others!
I have a prayer journal! I am very excited about this because it seems every week I am asked to pray for this or for that. I always take a moment and pray about it but sometimes, don't go back and pray again. I think this journal will help me be better at that. I also feel that one on one time with God is so important. In Sunday school class yesterday, I challenged the students to write a letter to their friend, Jesus. I am challenging myself with the same thing through my prayer journal. Since I have not actually written anything in it yet, I am not allowing myself to cross it off but will soon!
Next on the list - Brooke's yearbook! I am making some serious progress on this. It has been more of a challenge than you can imagine! I spent SIX hours yesterday just organizing kids school portraits by classroom! It was a nightmare but it's done! Hopefully the design aspect will be more fun and a little less challenging! The entire thing all 48 pages have to be complete by March 1st - right now, I have THREE pages done! Long way to go but I'll get there!
I do have one thing to cross off my list - meditations for a busy mom! I love this book - it just takes a few minutes and really has helped me take a moment to feed my spirit! I have been reading it faithfully for more than a month with no signs of stopping - so CHECK it off the list!

I have one more thing in progress. I made an appointment for a mammogram. I have seriously debated about putting this out there but here it goes. Because of my history, I have always been diligent in BSE's. A couple of months ago i found something odd, I have a history of cysts and know they can come and go. It hasn't. I am sure it's fine, really. But it's on the list and 40 is looming. It's time. My appointment is next Thursday. My awesome sister is watching Kate so I have one less thing to worry about - so who wants to go with me and hold my hand? I promise to return the favor!


  1. Jennifer if I can get off I would love to go with you. I feel this is important and took a pledge at a Relay in Pink OK to spread the word. Do you life close by? You could message me on Facebook to.

  2. You're awesome Jenn....I don't know if you have had the mammogram before or not, but I have and I HATED IT! I would love to go and hold your hand thru it all, if I could. Praying everything is just fine, like you said, and this isn't anything out of the ordinary as history has proven.
    Let us know!
    Great job on crossing off that list. I am finding mine more difficult than I ever anticipated.
