Wednesday, February 10, 2010

There's going to be a hot time in the old town tonight...

When my youngest daughter was 8 months old, I had to have a hysterectomy. I was just 36 at the time. It sucked. Completely. They took everything - it was too risky to leave anything. Dealing with hormone replacement therapy, hot flashes, mood swings was definitely not in my plans at that age! It has been a rough road. Emotionally, it was devestating. Physically, it was draining. For the first year the side effects were horrible. The hot flashes and night sweats were all but unbearable! When my husband and i would fight, in his mind it was because of the surgery and subsequent hormonal imbalances. I told him sometimes, it was just because he was wrong. No surgery would keep ME from being right, all the time! HAHA!
So now I am completely hormone free, I have become increasingly worried about the side effects of the hormone and the increased risk of breast cancer. So here I am facing a mammogram. My first. I want to cancel. REALLY WANT TO CANCEL. But I won't - damn blogging and being accountable. Sometimes I wish I was the kind of person that says they are going to do things and not do them. I blame my dad. If only he hadn't instilled those darn ethics into us!
SO the question is, why in this time of hot flashes and night sweats have i turned into a Mom-cicle? I am freezing all the time - our fireplace burns constantly and when I am not hovered around it, I am submerged in a hot bubble bath, not that i am complaining about that! It just seems that as the big 4-0 approaches I notice more and more changes going on. It's interesting watching my oldest daughter who is ten start going through changes and development while I seem to be on the decline. Never thought I would ever consider plastic surgery and still don't but what is up with the wrinkle neck and old hands? Maybe I will ask Oprah when I see her, she is over 40 and fabulous. So Oprah, what is your secret - any tips for this 40 and fabulous group?

Justfor Oprah - i don't know if you have noticed but I have given you several possible show topics. I know you are super busy so I will outline them here!

1. Young women and hysterectomies
2. Hormone replacement therapy
3. fighting with your husband - is it hormones or is he just wrong?
4. Choosing to live hormone free
5. why can't i get warm - are bubble baths the only answer?
6. Menopausal moms with pre-pubescent daughters
7. Plastic surgery, is it right for you?
8. Oprah shares her secrets for looking young
9. Classmates from 1988 reunited by a life-changing blogging experience as one by one they hit the big 4-0

Ok Oprah, or Oprah's producers, let's be real here, Oprah interns, I have really tried to take out some of the legwork and research out of your way and cut to the chase. That is nine great show ideas, don't make me take this to Ellen! Call me. I'll be waiting and yes, I do take my phone with me in the bathtub!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a bigger Ellen fan than Oprah so I'm good with going to her. She is much funnier and might enjoy my sense of humor better anyway. Either way is good though.
