Monday, January 18, 2010

The list...

Let me just start by saying, there are excuses and there are reasons. This is a little bit of both. I have the daunting task of designing my daughter's school yearbook. Although I have spent 20 years around some of the world's most talented graphic desigers, I have never done ANY of the actual design work. I consider myself a terribly creative person lacking any useful skills whatsoever! So this is indeed a challenge. I have 24 pages due the end of this month and up until Saturday I had exactly ZERO of them done! Proudly, i now have TWO complete. So while I am quite proud of that fact, I am a little disappointed that my 40 things list did not get complete! Because time is clicking away, I am going to share half my list today and will have the other half by the end of the week! A friend of mine was calculating my time the other day and apparently I have to complete more than one per week to make it before my October 27th deadline. With that being said, I give you the first half of Jenn Lacy's 40 Things by 40 Years List!

1. Run (or walk) a 5k
2. Submit a short story for publication to atleast 3 national periodicals
3. Feed or prepare meals for the homeless
4. Volunteer for a chuch ministry
5. Join a Sunday School class or Mom Group at church
7. Go to a movie alone
8. Take my children camping in a tent
9. Cook a 4 course dinner for 4 friends
10. Take my family to my grandmother's grave.
11. Host a 40 is fabulous slumber party
12. Play Blackjack at a casino
13. Take dinner to a sick friend or neighbor
14. Surprise my husband
15. Have budoir photos taken
16. Go skinning dipping
17. Take a dance class
18. Spend a day taking landmark photos
19. Kiss in the rain
20. Take an Oklahoma wine tour

So there you go, dear friends, I am ready to start my journey. I am so excited to see so many friends joining in - what a great adventure we are beginning! If you haven't signed up, it's not too late! Leave a comment or send me a facebook message and I will help you get started!


  1. Awesome list, and I am not surprised you and I have some of the same goals listed ... in a somewhat different aspect, but still, we have goals. I managed to get 25 down this weekend and I started on them today! YAY!

  2. Good list. I would do the 5K with you since I have done a few of them. I can also help you with playing Blackjack. I am no card counter by any means, but I like to play. The secret is finding a table with all men and flirt your way into letting them tell you what to do. Including the dealer. If you win, he gets tips. lol And finally, I'd be happy to loan you a tent and other camping equipment I no longer use.

  3. Great list....I would love to help on the wine tour..
